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The Sound of Neutrons

March 12,13 & 26,27,28, 2020
Childs Auditorium, Deep River

Written and directed by Phyllis Heeney

"Supercritical Things"

by Nicole Lebel and Rhiannon Monckton

Tons of auditions and meeting new faces
New choreo putting us through our paces
Soon there's shenanigans off in the wings
These are a few supercritical things

Singing so many songs about uranium (u-rain-yum)
Phyllis's cookies all making us say yum
Sciency puns and the laughter they bring
These are a few supecritical things

Kids singing and making loony hand puppets
Garbage cans and vacuum tubes turned to muppets
Big, bushy eyebrows on brainy drag kings
These are a few supercritical things

When a cue's dropped
When a scene's stopped
When something's gone wrong
Someone pulls off some supercritical thing
For this, The Sound of Neutrons!!!

Hitting our cues in an actorly fashion
No one wants a Premature Jack Reaction
Give Sam a slide rule, and on stage he'll thrust
This show's some wild supercritical stuff

Tech week sees many cast coughing and tired.
"The show must go on" is a phrase much admired
Lori's thyme tea fights off throats sore and rough
This show's some wild supercritical stuff

Opening night is a blast and a riot
Speeches and cake for those who came to try it
Eppo's diorama even lights up
This show's some wild supercritical stuff

Then suddenly,
Says our time is gone
We opened and closed
In the blink of an eye
But still, in that time, we shone,
And our DVDs live on!